
- page in progress -

The new team page is currently being created. Soon you will be able to get to know the people who are involved in the project ‘FreiZeit für junge Geflüchtete’ here.


They all answer these questions:

The most beautiful action or moment for me was …

I associate these three terms with the project:

What I particularly enjoy about the project is …

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The most beautiful action or moment for me was … making biscuit houses with the children from the LAB.

I associate these three terms with the project: solidarity, engagement and diversity.

What I enjoy most about the project is … that we are doing something on a small scale in a great team against the big injustices in the world.



The most beautiful action or moment for me was … the package action.

I associate these three terms with the project: inspiration, joy and exchange.

What I enjoy most about the project is … that you have the possibility to meet a lot of people in a super relaxed atmosphere.



The most beautiful action or moment for me was … the UMF-action in the youth and children’s centre „Haster Treff“.

I associate these three terms with the project: openness, jointly and meaningful.

What I enjoy most about the project is … exchanging ideas with nice people.

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The most beautiful action or moment for me was … a family trip to the zoo because the children had a really nice day with their parents.

I associate these three terms with the project: children’s rights, engagement, openness.

What I enjoy most about the project is … that you can always see directly from the children’s reactions why you are happy to be committed to them.

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The most beautiful action or moment for me was … when a very cautious girl came out of herself while playing ball and couldn‘t stopped laughing.

I associate these three terms with the project: joy, engagement, togetherness.

What I enjoy most about the project is … to see that the children can just be children during the activities.



The most beautiful action or moment for me was … making biscuit houses. Real works of art are always created.

I associate these three terms with the project: socializing, help, spreading joy.

What I enjoy most about the project is … that different people work together on the same idea.

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The most beautiful action or moment for me was … when we unpacked the big colorful flycloth during an action and the children just ran wild underneath without any instruction or specific game rules, and had a lot of fun and didn‘t want to stop.

I associate these three terms with the project: diversity, inclusion and movement.

What I enjoy most about the project is … to develop and implement creative projects together for the children.



The most beautiful action or moment for me was … a trip with the adolescents to the annual „Zoo-Lights“ in Osnabrück.

I associate these three terms with the project: exchange, solidarity and fun.

What I enjoy most about the project is … to see that the kids and also the adolescents have the possibility to just switch off and that we all have fun together.


In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kinderschutzbund Niedersachsen ist innerhalb eines Prozesses von 2016 bis 2018 ein Schutzkonzept in einer Arbeitsgruppe von Mitarbeitenden von FreiZeit für Flüchtlingskinder (FFF) und UMFdenken – jetzt! erarbeitet worden. Wir haben uns im Rahmen dessen ausführlich mit den Themen (Macht-)Missbrauch, (sexueller) Gewalt sowie Kindeswohlgefährdung beschäftigt und kennen Strategien von Täter:innen gegenüber Kindern und Jugendlichen. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass FFF und UMFdenken – jetzt! keine Plattformen für potentielle Täter:innen bieten. Entsprechend achten wir darauf, dass Kinder und Jugendliche während unserer Aktionen gut geschützt sind. Die im Schutzkonzept erklärten Regeln und Richtlinien sollen klären, welche Verhaltensweisen im Umgang mit Kindern und Jugendlichen im Projekt erwünscht und welche nicht erlaubt sind. Gleichzeitig sollen sie den Mitarbeitenden als Orientierungshilfe dienen.